Student Organizations


The mission of the Columbia Chemistry Careers Committee (C4) is to educate undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs on career options for chemists.


Women in Science at Columbia is an interdepartmental group for female scientists and their allies that promotes the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields.

Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council represents the students in the Department of Chemistry on a variety of matters and acts as the main liaison between the students and the faculty and administration.

Chandler Society

The Chandler Society is Columbia’s undergraduate Chemistry club. They host events including lunches with Columbia Faculty and the Grandpierre Memorial Lecture.

Moments in Materials (MiMs)

Moments in Materials “MiMs” is a symposium held every summer at Columbia University. We invite undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and professors interested in Material Science to our forum to gather and interact.

Columbia Chemistry Outreach

Columbia Chemistry Outreach (CCO) is a group of graduate students, post docs, teaching faculty, and tenure track faculty that aim to further the chemistry department's outreach efforts to drive a positive change in our local community.


SACNAS+ at CU also acknowledges the goals and aspirations of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) and intends to be all inclusive (+) with members of other underrepresented, first-generation, low-income communities beyond those explicitly named.

Women In Chemistry (WiC)

Women in Chemistry continues its efforts to build up underrepresented chemists in