Why Choose Columbia

2 people talking in the hallway

It was great to be a part of the Columbia Chemistry department, especially because of the strong sense of community. Simply put, the faculty and students have created an environment that makes research fun and rewarding.

Dr. Jeffrey Bandar, Associate Professor of Chemistry Colorado State University, Ph.D. Class of 2014

Columbia’s graduate programs in Chemistry and Chemical Physics aim to train a new generation of scientific leaders in research, teaching, and beyond. The Department of Chemistry is ranked among the best in the world for its outstanding research and teaching, yet it is among the smallest. Consequently, our graduate students receive an unusual amount of interaction with and guidance from the faculty. Top students and faculty all over the world come to Columbia for its unique research environment and commitment to providing its students with an exceptional education.


Graduate Research at Columbia

Graduate students in Chemistry and Chemical Physics at Columbia work on cutting-edge and impactful research alongside faculty who are leaders in their fields...

The Chemistry Ph.D. at Columbia

Columbia offers graduate degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Physics...

Student Life

Columbia Chemistry’s intellectual, collegial, and lively atmosphere reflect its location in the heart of uptown New York City...

After Columbia

Most graduate students from Columbia go on to traditional research careers in both academia and industry, but many also choose non-traditional careers in fields including finance, law, and journalism...